

ING ZINGed by OFAC with Record-Breaking Fine

Posted by at 6:23 pm on June 13, 2012
Category: OFAC

ING Headquarters
ABOVE: ING Headquarters

On June 12, 2012, ING Bank N.V. (“ING Bank”) settled alleged violations of U.S. trade sanctions with the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”) for a record $619 million penalty. ING Bank’s violations of OFAC sanctions involved more than $1.6 billion unlawfully routed through the United States despite U.S. sanctions.

ING Bank was accused by OFAC of violating the Cuban Assets Control Regulations, Iranian Transactions Regulations, Burmese Sanctions Regulations, the Sudanese Sanctions Regulations, and the now-repealed Libyan Sanctions Regulations by intentionally omitting information about those countries in SWIFT messages and wire instructions for more than 20,000 financial and trade transactions in U.S. dollars routed through the United States

The problems for ING started when ING became involved with a letter of credit issued by Iran’s Bank Tejerat on behalf of Iran Air in connection with the latter’s attempt to purchase a U.S. origin aircraft engine. The original beneficiary of the letter of credit was a Romanian company that then contacted ING’s branch in Romania requesting assistance in transferring the letter of credit to the U.S. company selling the aircraft engine. As a result, ING contacted Bank Tejerat, which then amended the letter of credit to delete all references to Iran in the letter. ING’s Romanian branch thereafter sent the letter of credit to the U.S. company selling the aircraft engine. When the U.S. bank charged with making payment on the Letter of Credit refused to do so based on a discrepancy in the letter of credit, the advising bank contacted ING in Amsterdam to try to resolve the situation. Thereafter, an employee of ING’s branch in Romania informed the advising bank that the letter of credit related to Bank Tejerat, and the advising bank then reported the transaction to OFAC. Not surprisingly, this caused OFAC to open an investigation.

The Settlement Agreement noted that the Bank Tejerat transaction was the only transaction referenced by the Agreement that had not been voluntarily disclosed by ING to OFAC during the course of the investigation, although calling the information coughed up in response to OFAC’s investigation as voluntarily disclosed probably stretches the meaning of the word “voluntary.” Further, ING’s cooperation was seen as a mitigating factor in reaching the $619 million penalty, although I have to confess it odd to see the concept of mitigation and a $619 million penalty co-existing in the same document.

The Settlement Agreement singles out for specific mention an email that ING’s legal department sent to an ING employee who had raised his concerns with other employees about the legality of ING’s practices used to permit U.S. dollar transactions with sanctioned countries and parties. That email stated:

[W]e have been dealing with Cuba for a lot of years now and I’m pretty sure that we know what we are doing in avoiding any fines. So don’t worry and direct any future concerns to me so that we can discuss before stirring up the whole business.

OFAC’s use of that email should also serve as a not-so-gentle reminder that the attorney client privilege is, at best, a fairy tale when it comes to dealing with administrative agencies and that lawyers should re-read everything that they write to their clients as if it were going to be ultimately read by an unfriendly bureaucrat intent upon taking money from the company’s pockets and putting it into Uncles Sam’s instead.

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Copyright © 2012 Clif Burns. All Rights Reserved.
(No republication, syndication or use permitted without my consent.)



Not All Blood Diamonds Are Conflict Diamonds

Posted by at 6:59 pm on June 7, 2012
Category: Zimbabwe Sanctions

Robert Mugabe
ABOVE:Robert Mugabe

Press reports from Zimbabwe suggest that Chicago-based insurance broker giant Aon may have gotten in hot water with the Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”) by assisting in the provision of insurance to Mbada Diamonds, one of the two Zimbabwe diamond mining companies that was put on the SDN list by OFAC in December 2011. When adding Mbada to the SDN list, OFAC clarified that trading with Mbada had been illegal ever since the agency designated the Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation in 2008 given ZMDC’s controlling interest in Mbada. Obviously, many people had been trading with Mbada without knowledge of ZMDC’s interest in the company, although anyone familiar with Zimbabwe should have been concerned about possible ownership by ZMDC given ZMDC’s pervasive involvement in all aspects of Zimbabwe’s natural mineral resources.

Although OFAC did not say as much, the issuance of this “clarification” with respect to Mbada Diamonds and Mrange Resources was likely prompted by reports of torture and forced labor in the diamond fields of Zimbabwe. Ironically, Zimbabwe had just received in November 2011 Kimberly Process certification permitting sales of some $2 billion of diamonds from the Mrange fields where the human rights abuses were alleged to have taken place. The Mbada Diamonds website now trumpets this certification along with claims of its own social responsibility and its support for the country’s national soccer team.

Before you bring out the scythes and pitchforks and head off after the Kimberly certification process, it is important to understand what it does and does not do. The goal of the KP certification is to prevent trade in conflict diamonds which are defined as “rough diamonds used by rebel movements or their allies to finance conflict aimed at undermining legitimate governments.” Obviously, whatever one may think of the human rights violations involved, these diamonds aren’t being used by rebels to undermine legitimate governments. Indeed, they are being used to prop up a legitimate, albeit loathsome, regime.

According to the previously cited press reports, unnamed officials in Aon conceded that they had been providing insurance services to Mbada Diamonds. Of course, if this was being done through a company incorporated outside the United States and without the participation of U.S. persons, this would not have been prohibited by the Zimbabwe Sanctions Regulations. Although the Zimbabwe sanctions do not have the facilitation prohibitions which are found in many other OFAC regulations and which prohibit actions by U.S. persons that facilitate actions by foreign persons that would be illegal if done by U.S. persons, the regulations do have a provision that penalizes actions that evade the regulations. These evasion provisions are often interpreted broadly by OFAC to implicate U.S. companies for the activities of their foreign subsidiaries.

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Copyright © 2012 Clif Burns. All Rights Reserved.
(No republication, syndication or use permitted without my consent.)



Firm Sues Florida Over State Sanctions on Cuba, Syria

Posted by at 5:17 pm on June 5, 2012
Category: Cuba SanctionsSyria

Odebrecht, Salvador, BrazilOdebrecht Construction, Inc., a U.S. subsidiary of the Brazilian firm Odebrecht S.A., filed suit on Monday in federal court asking the court to declare as unconstitutional a Florida law which prohibits the award of state and local contracts to companies with business in Cuba or Syria. The law, signed by Governor Scott last month, goes into force on July 1.

Odebrecht S.A. is currently involved in a massive renovation project for the port in Mariel, Cuba, which is destined to take all the commercial traffic from the port at Havana when the project is completed. The Florida subsidiary has been responsible for, among other things, improvements to the Miami International Airport in Florida.

Of course, the sustainability of the Florida law is in serious question after the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Crosby v. National Foreign Trade Council, 530 U.S. 363 (2000). In that case, the Supreme Court struck down, on preemption grounds, a similar law passed in Massachusetts. The court’s analysis focused in large part on the extent to which the Massachusetts law was broader than existing federal sanctions, specifically noting that the federal sanctions only covered new investments while the Massachusetts law targeted existing investments as well. Here, the U.S. sanctions do not cover the activities of Odebrecht, S.A., which is a non-U.S. person, while the Florida sanctions would reach those activities.

The press reports on the Odebrecht complaint indicate that the company is making a constitutional challenge to the law, which is an argument based on Congress’s exclusive power to make U.S. foreign policy. The Crosby court dodged the constitutional issue and was decided solely on the basis of preemption. I have to assume that the Odebrecht complaint makes the preemption argument as well or at least will be ultimately amended to make that argument.

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Copyright © 2012 Clif Burns. All Rights Reserved.
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Did Zuckerberg Friend Burma?

Posted by at 8:38 pm on May 31, 2012
Category: Burma SanctionsOFAC

Mark Zuckerberg
ABOVE: Mark Zuckerberg
© World Economic Forum*

An alert reader sent me a story suggesting that the Burmese ruby wedding ring that Facebook mogul Mark Zuckerberg gave his wife might have been imported illegally into the United States. The article is largely speculative, given that there is no direct evidence that the ring was illegally imported, but it does provide the opportunity to discuss the Burmese import sanctions, which likely will remain even after the recently announced lifting of the ban on financial investments in, and export of financial services to, Burma.

By Executive Order 13310, dated July 28, 2003, imports of all items, including rubies, of Burmese origin into the United States were prohibited. Shortly thereafter, in November 2003, the Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”) issued an interpretive guidance that items of Burmese origin could be imported into the United States if they were substantially transformed outside Burma such that under U.S. Customs rules they were no longer considered to be of Burmese origin. In December 2004, Customs issued a ruling that rubies mined in Burma but processed into finished gemstones in other countries were not of Burmese origin and could be imported into the United States. This opened the door to the return of Burmese rubies to the U.S. market.

Congress responded with the Tom Lantos Block Burmese Jade (Junta’s Anti-Democratic Efforts) Act Of 2008, PL 110-286 (50 U.S.C. § 1701 note). The Lantos Act, effective September 27, 2008, prohibited the import of rubies mined in Burma even if they have been processed outside Burma.

So, assuming that the ruby was finished outside Burma, the Zuckerberg ruby would need to have been imported into the United States prior to the aforementioned date in 2008. If not (and we have no way of knowing), Zuckerberg might wind up getting unfriended by OFAC.

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Copyright © 2012 Clif Burns. All Rights Reserved.
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PRC Citizen Arrested For Manometer Exports

Posted by at 7:12 pm on May 30, 2012
Category: BISChinaCriminal Penalties

MKS ManometerQiang Hu, a Chinese national who was sales manager at MKS Instruments Shanghai Ltd. was arrested while he visited the Shanghai company’s U.S. parent, MKS Instruments, Inc. in Andover, Massachusetts. He was arrested on charges that he illegally exported manometers, classified as ECCN 2B230, without the required licenses from the Bureau of Industry and Security (“BIS”).

What is interesting about this case is that the items were exported to the PRC pursuant to licenses, but the licenses were allegedly for persons who were not the ultimate end-users of the exported items. According to the affidavit supporting the criminal complaint, Hu used licenses for existing customers of MKS where those licenses had remaining quantities available for exports. Additionally, Hu is alleged to have applied for new licenses for front companies and then used those to export manometers that were then diverted to a number of other end-users in the PRC. One of the alleged front companies was Shanghai Racy System Integration Co., Ltd., surely one of the best front company names ever. The affidavit alleges that “thousands” of items were exported improperly by Hu, with items worth $4.5 million going to Shanghai Racy alone.

The affidavit does not allege, with one rather odd exception, that Hu would have been unable to obtain licenses for the ultimate end users. Instead, the affidavit cites emails from Hu to his customers and co-conspirators in the PRC which suggested that he used existing licenses to service end-users in the PRC who only needed small quantities of the items on the grounds that the export process was too cumbersome and expensive for the small quantities involved.

As I noted above, there is one instance in which the affidavit tries to suggest that the end-user was problematic. This involved an export to “Parr Lab Technical Solutions” in Hong Kong which the affidavit noted was on BIS’s Unverified List. That is presumably a reference to Parrlab Technical Solutions, Ltd., which is on that list. However, licenses are not necessarily denied to parties on the unverified list. When an end-user is on that list, the exporter is simply required to engage in heightened due diligence to assure that the exported item will not be diverted to a prohibited end-use or end-user.

The DOJ press release on this case indicates that the parent company, MKS Instruments, Inc., is not a target of any investigation in this matter.

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