

Best. Office. Name. Ever. Really.

Posted by at 9:40 pm on June 26, 2012
Category: Criminal PenaltiesDDTC

F-16Two criminal informations (which you can find here and here) have been filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida charging Alberto Pichardo, an officer of the Venezuelan Air Force, and others with violation of the Arms Export Control Act in connection with alleged unlicensed exports of F-16 parts and other military aircraft parts from the United States to the Venezuelan Air Force.

Judging from a news report on the charges as well as the two dockets, it appears that Pichardo has decamped the United States prior to the charges. There is no indication in the docket that an arrest has been made. It is probably safe to assume that Pichardo is not coming back to the United States voluntarily in the future at this point and that an extradition request with the Venezuelan courts will not be favorably received. The charging documents also name Freddy Arguelles, a former pilot of the Venezuelan Air Force (also no longer in Florida), as well as Victor Brown, a Hialeah Gardens aircraft parts trader, as co-defendants. Kirk Drellich of SkyHigh Accessories, Inc., located in Davie, Florida, was named as a co-conspirator but not charged in the documents that have been filed so far. (SkyHigh advertises on its website that it is “fully export compliant.”)

But the most interesting detail in the charging papers, and the reason for the post title, is this: Pichardo “was responsible for the oversight and control of the Venezuelan Military Acquisitions Office in Doral, Florida.” That’s right. In 2009 and 2010, the time period of the exports in question, there was a “Venezuelan Military Acquisitions Office” openly operating in Doral, Florida. The U.S. arms embargo against Venezuela had been in place since August 2006.

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Copyright © 2012 Clif Burns. All Rights Reserved.
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Stupid Quote of the Day

Posted by at 2:00 pm on June 22, 2012
Category: BISIran SanctionsOFAC

Red Penalty CardAhem. Here is what Nahal Iravani-Sami, president of the Iranian American Bar Association, has to say about whether retail clerks at Apple Store should sell items to customers even if it is disclosed they plan on illegally exporting those items to sanctioned countries:

“The responsibility for enforcement should fall on border patrol, law enforcement, the U.S. post office, customs — government agencies.” As it is, the law “promotes dishonesty and invites profiling. When you come down to it, it’s absurd.”

So, folks, it’s time to take that portion on red flags out of your export compliance program. Just let Customs worry about it. After all, that’s their job, not yours.

What’s even more amazing is that Ms. Irvani-Sami is a prosecutor. I wonder if she would say the same thing about selling a weapon to somebody who said he was going to use it to rob a bank? Make the sale! Don’t worry about stopping the bank robbery. That, after all, is what the police are for.

I’m quoted with Ms. Irvani-Sami in the above-linked article at MSNBC on shopping while Iranian at Apple. As you can see from what I said there, I am certainly aware of the conflicting interests involved and the need to balance export enforcement with human rights laws and local anti-discrimination provisions. Even so, just saying “leave it to Customs,” as Ms. Irvani-Sami does, is remarkably foolish.

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Copyright © 2012 Clif Burns. All Rights Reserved.
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New Jersey Jumps on Iran Sanctions Bandwagon

Posted by at 11:33 pm on June 20, 2012
Category: Iran SanctionsOFAC

New Jersey State Capitol BuildingA committee of the New Jersey state senate and a committee of the state assembly both recently approved legislation that would prohibit the state from entering into contracts with companies that do business in Iran. I recently posted on Florida’s efforts to do the same thing and expressed considerable doubt that Florida’s statute could survive judicial review based on the Supreme Court decision in Crosby v. National Foreign Trade Council, 530 U.S. 363 (2000), which held that a similar Massachusetts law that penalized companies doing business with Burma was preempted by federal law.

The proposed New Jersey law, however, is somewhat different and may have a better chance of surviving an inevitable judicial attack. Section 202 of the Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability and Divestment Act of 2010 — or CISADA for any acronymophiles out there — explicitly permits state and local governments to impose certain limited sanctions on Iran. The initial draft of the Bill was quite broad and penalized a broad range of activities in Iran, including making an investment in any amount in the “energy, financial or construction sectors of Iran.” However, before being approved by the two New Jersey legislative committees, the proposed law was amended to limit those activities which are permitted under CISADA to be a predicate for state and local sanctions, namely to an investment of $20 million or more in Iran’s energy sector.

Bringing the law within the statutory confines of state sanctions laws permitted by CISADA would certainly seem to shield the law from a challenge that the state law was preempted by federal law. Whether it shields it from a constitutional attack that it is an impermissible foray by a state government into U.S. foreign policy matters is a different question.

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Copyright © 2012 Clif Burns. All Rights Reserved.
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If You Speak Farsi, Well, You Can’t Have an iPhone

Posted by at 7:40 pm on June 19, 2012
Category: BISIran Sanctions

Apple StoreSometimes, believe it or not, export compliance efforts might be a bit overzealous and lead to other problems. Several readers brought to my attention this story at the Consumerist website suggesting that Apple Store employees in Georgia were refusing to sell iPads and other coveted Apple goodies to customers who spoke Farsi on the grounds that such sales would violate the U.S. embargo against Iran. Now, leaving aside the entire issue of how an Apple Store “genius” in Georgia is going to recognize that someone is speaking Farsi (as opposed to say, Pashto, or even, this being Georgia, French), this would seem to be a little problematic. In one case, the rebuffed customer was an American of Iranian descent who was speaking Farsi with her uncle.

A second case, however, was a bit more problematic. It involved an Iranian student properly in the United States on a student visa who wanted to buy an iPhone. The writer at the Consumerist, naturally being an expert on export law, quickly disposed of this issue.

In the second case, of the man here on a student visa, you might be able to make that argument, though it’s really just the exporting of goods to Iran — and not the sale of items to Iranians in the U.S. — that is embargoed.

Well, we must give the Consumerist guy some points for effort, but the issue is just a little more complicated than that. First, you can’t sell anything to an Iranian in the United States if you have any reason to believe that the item might be exported back to Iran by the purchaser. In the case of an iPhone, which is probably locked to a U.S. carrier, the export of that item seems unlikely.

Second, you can’t forget about the “deemed export” rules which could forbid transfer of certain technology to Iranian citizens in the United States, even on a legitimate visa. (Does the name Dr. Roth ring a bell?) And in some instances, given that the Export Administration Regulations, make clear that “visual inspection” can be a technology transfer, there might be certain items that you can’t sell to Iranian citizens in the United States. However, iPads, iPhones and Airbooks, aren’t among those items.

The nice folks at Apple have a listing of ECCNs on their website. (Would that more companies would do that!) The iPad, iPhone and even the Mac Book Air, are all classified as 5A992. (None of them has the horsepower, apparently to fit under 4A994, which covers certain personal computing devices.) Now here’s where the analysis gets slightly tricky. ECCN 5E992 controls technology for the “use” of items controlled by 5A992. Would the manual for these devices, or even the visual inspection of these devices, provide information about the “use” of the devices? If so, their sales to an Iranian citizen in the U.S. on a visa would require a license.

The reason it doesn’t is because of BIS’s rather odd definition of “use.” I’ll let BIS speak for itself on this point:

Keep in mind that the deemed export rule does not regulate the operation of controlled equipment. Rather, it is a release to a foreign national of export-controlled “use” technology that may have deemed export licensing implications, and “use” technology includes all of the attributes of “use” as defined in the EAR Part 772 (i.e., operation, installation, maintenance, repair, refurbishing and overhaul). If the foreign national has access only to the technology that is necessary to operate the export controlled equipment, a release of “use” technology has not occurred and no deemed export license requirement is triggered.

So since neither the manual or visual inspection of the Apple stuff will help the purchaser repair, refurbish or overhaul those items, Apple is free to sell them away to Iranians in the United States unless, of course, it has reason to believe that the Iranian is going to ship the goods back to Iran or take them back to Iran upon the visa-holders return.

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Copyright © 2012 Clif Burns. All Rights Reserved.
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Proposed USML Category X Reforms Praised by Jason Voorhees

Posted by at 6:28 pm on June 14, 2012
Category: BISDDTCExport Reform

MacheteThe Bureau of Industry and Security (“BIS”) and the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (“DDTC”) have announced proposed reforms to Category X of the United States Munitions List (“USML”). Category X covers protective personnel equipment and shelters.

For those wondering about the title of the post, one aspect of the reforms has nothing to do with Category X. The proposed rules published by BIS indicate that machetes, favorite of many rebel forces and villains in teen slasher flicks, are to be classified as EAR99. Machetes are currently controlled under ECCN 0A988 and require licenses for exports to Iraq, North Korea and Rwanda. One of the advantages of taking machetes off of the Commerce Control List is that it would eliminate the need to figure out the difference between what is considered a machete controlled by the rule as opposed to a really big knife which, presumably, is not.

The thrust of the proposed reforms deals with hard and soft body armor. Currently body armor is controlled based on the level of protection as measured by the NIJ Standard, with types IIIA and below subject to BIS control under ECCN 1A005 and everything above that (Types III and IV) are on the USML in Category X. (A frequent source of confusion is the NIJ standard for Type IIIA is, somewhat counter-intuitively, below, and provides less protection than, Type III). Current controls do not depend upon whether the body armor was specifically designed for military use or not.

Under the proposed rules, soft armor that meets Type III standards or that is “manufactured to military standards” would be moved to the new ECCN 1A613. Hard armor plates meeting Type III standards would also be moved to the new ECCN 1A613. All Type IV armor would remain in Category X of the USML. The new ECCN 1A613 would be subject to NS Column 1 controls which are stricter than the NS Column 2 controls applicable to the body armor covered by ECCN 1A005. Items controlled under NS Column 1 require a license to all destinations other than Canada. The proposed rule would mitigate this restriction somewhat by making items controlled by ECCN 1A613 eligible for license exception STA which permits unlicensed exports, if certain other conditions are met, to a number of countries including most of Europe.

Probably the most significant of the proposed changes is that body armor, other than Type IV armor still on the USML, may now be exported under license exceptions TMP and BAG. This means that body armor may be exported, in checked luggage or separately, for personal use without the requirement for a license. There has been considerable public criticism of the current regime which makes it difficult, if not impossible, for U.S. employees travelling to dangerous destinations to carry protective gear with them.

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