ABOVE: U.S. Attorney Alice Martin
The Alex Latifi saga continues. As we have reported in detail here on Export Law Blog, Mr. Latifi was acquitted on charges that emailing a drawing of a Blackhawk helicopter part to a Chinese supplier violated the Arms Export Control Act. The acquittal appears to have been based, at least in part, on the availability of that drawing on the Internet.
Latifi’s attorney, Henry Frohsin, indicated on Friday that he has filed a complaint with the Department of Justice’s Office of Professional Responsibility against Alice Martin, the U.S. Attorney involved in the prosecution. A copy of the complaint is not publicly available, but another attorney in Frohsin’s firm told the Birmingham News that the complaint alleges that the government had exculpatory evidence that it failed to provide to the defense team. The precise nature of that exculpatory evidence was not revealed to the newspaper.
Alice Martin told the Birmingham News that her office has been the unsuccessful target of earlier complaints and that she was certain that her side would prevail again.