Archive for the ‘OFAC’ Category



“Based on My Experience and Training. . .”

Posted by at 8:09 pm on March 3, 2016
Category: Criminal PenaltiesIran SanctionsOFAC

All in a Day's Work by Damian Gadal via Flickr [Fair Use]
ABOVE: Erdal Kuyumcu

Erdal Kuyumcu, the CEO of Global Metallurgy LLC, was indicted this week on charges that he shipped an EAR99 chemical to Iran through a middleman in Turkey. The criminal complaint provides the details of the government’s case, which, charitably speaking, seems weak.

In order to sustain a criminal conviction, it must be demonstrated that Kuyumcu knew that the chemical that he shipped from the United States to Turkey was going to be re-exported to Iran. In support of this, the government cites a number of emails unrelated to the shipments at issue, where the Turkish company and Mr. Kuyumcu had an email exchange about a trip the head of the Turkish company referred to as “flying out to the neighbor’s” and which Mr. Kuyumcu replied “Good luck at the neighbor’s.” The FBI agent signing the criminal complaint said that based on his “training” and “experience,” this was a coded reference to Iran and this coded language is proof that Kuyumcu was aware that the chemical he later shipped to Turkey was going to be re-exported to Iran. It’s hard to see the connection here. And it’s not hard to imagine that there are a number of innocent reasons why foreigners might not want to have all their email sniffed by the NSA after the NSA’s email sweeps see the word Iran.

There are two emails connected to the shipments at issue that the government cites, but these are not conclusive either. In both emails, Mr. Kuyumcu, in response to an inquiry from the U.S. supplier of the EAR99 chemical for the name of the end user, asks the Turkish company to provide the name of a “friendly” company in Turkey with a website and that uses the chemical. The FBI agent believes this is a slam dunk:

Based on my training and experience, and on the foregoing emails between KUYUMCU and Co-Conspirator #1, where KUYUMCU asks for the name of “a friend company with a website … that uses this material,” and specifically directs Co-Conspirator #1 to the “email below” from the Ohio Company asking the name of the end-user company, KUYUMCU was asking Co-Conspirator #1 to fabricate end-user information using the name of a “friend[ly]” company whose name could be provided to the Ohio Company [the supplier] in an effort to conceal that the true end user of the Cobalt Compound was Iranian Company #!.

That might be one explanation, but there is certainly an equally reasonable one, particularly for anyone with experience and training not from Quantico but from actual business. Middlemen never like to give the name of end users to their suppliers. They regularly refuse to provide the information or provide incorrect information, not because they’re busy selling stuff to Iran, but because they don’t want their supplier to cut them out and start dealing with the end user directly.

The FBI affidavit is full of questionable appeals as above to his “training and experience,” but there is one particularly amusing reference to his training and experience. Some time after the shipment in question, and without reference to it, Mr. Kuyumcu sent an email that said in part: “H]ave you heard anything from the neighbor? :)” The FBI Agent had this to say about the email:

Based on my training and experience, the colon followed by a close parenthesis in the above quote represents a smiley face.

Seriously? At Quantico they have a class to teach FBI Agents that a colon followed by a close parenthesis represents a smiley face? Do they teach them as well that a colon followed by a zero represents a shocked face? And that *<|:‑) is Santa Claus? I know a bunch of these, so can I get paid to teach that class? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Outside of this unintentionally clueless hilarity from the FBI agent, this is really a classic demonstration that when he throws around throughout the complaint references to his “training and experience,” he might be basing his conclusions on something far less compelling than his actual training or experience despite what he claims.

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Copyright © 2016 Clif Burns. All Rights Reserved.
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Haliburton Fined for Exports to Angolan Entity with a 5 Percent Cuban Owner

Posted by at 9:30 am on February 26, 2016
Category: Cuba SanctionsOFAC

Cupet Oil Truck via [Fair Use]

Yesterday the Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”) announced that it had extracted $304,706 from Halliburton Atlantic Limited and Halliburton Oversea Limited in connection with unlicensed exports of $1,189,752 in goods and services by those companies to the joint venture granted the concession to the Cabinda Onshore South Block in Angola.

Wait, you ask, did the U.S. reimpose sanctions on Angola while I was not looking? Nope. The problem here was that Unión Cuba-Petróleo (CUPET) owns a whopping 5% interest in the joint venture at issue.

Wait, you ask again, did OFAC suddenly get rid of the 50% rule? I thought you didn’t have to worry about interests held by blocked parties less than 50 percent, individually or in the aggregate. You don’t normally, but the Cuba rules are different. Section 515.201 of the Cuban Assets Control Regulations prohibit any dealings in property in which any Cuban “has at any time on or since the effective date of this section had [sic] any interest of any nature whatsoever, direct or indirect.”

So, since CUPET had a five percent interest in the joint venture, exports of goods and services to it were illegal. Further, those exports would have been illegal if CUPET had only a 0.0001% interest in the joint venture because the regulation covers “any” interest. And they would have been illegal if Cuba had a 0.0001% interest in an Angolan company that had a 0.0001% interest because the regulation covers “any interest … direct or indirect.” Worse, the exports would have been illegal if CUPET had divested its 0.0001% interest in the Angolan company with a 0.0001% interest in the joint venture ten years before the exports. That would be because the regulation covers property in which a Cuban “has” or “had” any interest. One might be able to seek refuge in the ungrammatical peculiarities of  “has at any time on or since the effective date of this section had [sic] any interest of any nature whatsoever, direct or indirect” — read it carefully — but I wouldn’t count on it.

In theory, the breadth of this regulation imposes a nearly impossible task on any exporter, requiring the exporter to ferret out any remote Cuban abuela or abuelo hiding behind a potted palm somewhere before exporting anything, particularly given that violations of OFAC rules do not require knowledge. In this case, OFAC noted that Halliburton had been supplied documents showing the Cuban interest, but this was not the basis for liability here but instead an “aggravating factor,” suggesting that OFAC would have fined Halliburton even if had not known of CUPET’s paltry, non-controlling interest in the joint venture.

You have to wonder whether the federal employees who run OFAC have ever worked outside the government and have even the slightest conception of the real impact of requiring businesses to confirm that there is no Cuban interest, past or present, of any size whatsoever, in any foreign customer before exporting goods or services to that customer.

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Copyright © 2016 Clif Burns. All Rights Reserved.
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OFAC Fines Another European Company for Following E.U. Law

Posted by at 11:05 pm on February 24, 2016
Category: Cuba SanctionsOFAC

Hotel Inglaterra - Best Cheese Toast in Town 'Big Cheese' by Rinaldo Wurglitsch [CC-BY-SA-2.0 (], via Flickr [cropped]Two days ago, the Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”) announced that CGGVeritas S.A, a French company, and its U.S. and Venezuelan affiliates had agreed to hand over $614,250 to settle allegations that the companies had violated the U.S. embargo on Cuba. Most of the violations involve CGG’s export of U.S.-origin parts and equipment to two vessels engaged in oil exploration activities in Cuban waters.

Under most sanctions regulations, re-export by foreign persons of U.S. origin goods that are EAR99 is not a violation, but the situation for Cuba is different and re-exports by foreign persons of such goods will be a violation. Section 515.201 prohibits “any person” (that includes the French) from “all dealings in” any “property” that is “subject to the jurisdiction of the United States” and in which Cuba or any Cuban national has or had “any interest of any nature whatsoever.” On its face, that prohibits all exports of U.S. origin items by anyone to Cuba.

Because licensing jurisdiction for exports to Cuba has been ceded by OFAC to the Bureau of Industry and Security (“BIS”), section 515.533 provides that exports are authorized under OFAC rules if the export is “licensed or otherwise authorized” by BIS. Section 746.2 of the EAR indicates that a license is required to “export or reexport … all items subject to the EAR,” which of course includes all EAR99 items in the United States or manufactured outside the U.S. with more than 10% controlled U.S. content. There is nothing in either BIS’s rules or OFAC’s rules for Cuba comparable to section 560.205 of the Iranian Transactions and Sanctions Regulations to permit re-exports by foreign persons of EAR99 goods.

CGG, of course, is in an interesting position because under Council Regulation (EC) No 2271/96, CGG would have broken the law in its home country by refusing to send the U.S. parts and equipment based on the U.S. embargo on Cuba. OFAC, naturally, takes the position that the U.S. has jurisdiction over the entire planet (if not the entire universe) and that U.S. law naturally trumps any laws passed by other (and necessarily inferior) countries or governments such as France or the European Union. BIS takes the same position so CGG is no doubt busy bickering with BIS over how much it owes BIS for complying with the law in CGG’s home country.

The other violation cited by OFAC involved CGG’s Venezuelan affiliate, which was a subsidiary of CGG’s U.S. affiliate, engaging in the  “processing of data from seismic surveys conducted in Cuba’s Exclusive Economic Zone benefiting a Cuban company.” This was alleged also to be a violation of section 515.201, but that can only be the case if the language of the regulation, which prohibits U.S. persons from dealing in “property” in which Cuba or a Cuban national “has any interest,” is interpreted such that the meaning of “property” is stretched beyond all reasonable bounds. Even given the broad definition of data contained in section 515.311 it doesn’t include within its bounds mere data about Cuba. If it did, is satellite imagery of Cuba property in which Cuba has an interest? Has Google violated the embargo by processing that information for online presentation? Even if that benefits companies in Cuba? There might be an argument that a violation occurred if the seismic data survey was conducted pursuant to a contract with a Cuban entity giving it proprietary rights in those results — but that is not what OFAC says happened.

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Copyright © 2016 Clif Burns. All Rights Reserved.
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White House Will Sign New Nork Sanctions

Posted by at 8:54 pm on February 18, 2016
Category: North Korea SanctionsOFAC

Kim Il Sung Square in Pyongyang by Uri Tours [CC-BY-SA-2.0 (], via Flickr [cropped]White House spokesman Josh Earnest said yesterday that the President will sign H.R. 757, the “North Korea Sanctions and Policy Enhancement Act of 2016,” which imposes new sanctions on North Korea in the wake of a recent nuclear test and missile launch. The bipartisan bill passed the Senate unanimously (96-0) on February 10.

The initial text of the bill, in section 104(e), imposed a strict ban on all dealings in any property located in North Korea, originating from North Korea, or owned by the Government of North Korea. Because the bill did not define “property,” this provision could potentially have been read to impose a near-total embargo on the Norks. This was scaled back, no doubt due to the U.S. concerns that China, which the U.S. is currently seeking to bring on board for new U.N. sanctions, would object to the potential regional destabilizing effects of any measures that would have a significant impact on the North Korean economy.  The last thing China wants is a bunch of North Korean refugees pouring across its common border.

The only remaining export ban is a provision which appears to reimpose those export restrictions that are normally imposed on State Sponsors of Terrorism without actually putting North Korea back on that list. Section 203(a) provides:

A validated license shall be required for the export to North Korea of any goods or technology otherwise covered under section 6(j) of the Export Administration Act of 1979 (50 U.S.C. 4605(j)).

It is not immediately clear that this will change any of the extensive restrictions imposed by section 742.19 of the EAR beyond expanding the general policy of license denial beyond those items controlled for NP and MT reasons to all items controlled by the CCL.

The secondary sanctions of the bill are likely to have a broader impact. Section 104(a) defines activities that, if engaged in by any person, including a foreign person, require mandatory blocking of that person. This is a departure from the usual practice of granting the President the discretion to block persons who have engaged in prohibited conduct. The categories of prohibited conduct include import or export of goods from or to North Korea that are controlled on the Commerce Control List for CB, NP or MT reasons. Import of luxury goods into North Korea is also a ground for mandatory designation. So, if we ever find out who put that MacBook Pro into Kim Jong Un’s pudgy little hands, they’re going to be in big trouble.

The new sanctions bill also introduces an interesting wrinkle into the blocking rules for those designated under the new law. Under current OFAC guidance, entities owned 50 percent or more by a blocked person are also blocked. Under section 104(d), the automatic blocking extends to any entity “owned or controlled by, or to have acted or purported to have acted for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly” any party blocked under this act. That, of course, is a screening nightmare. Normally it is hard enough to determine ownership. Determining whether a party is controlled by, or, worse, acting on behalf of, a blocked party will be next to impossible.

Note:  posting has been, and will be, light this week because of work and travel considerations. Normal posting will resume next week.

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Copyright © 2016 Clif Burns. All Rights Reserved.
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Buy Me Some Cubans and Some OFAC-Jacks

Posted by at 11:59 pm on February 10, 2016
Category: BaseballCuba SanctionsOFAC

Yulieski Gourriel by Boomer-44 [CC-BY-SA-2.0 (], via Flickr [cropped and color corrected]
ABOVE: Yulieski Gurriel

It’s cold outside. It’s been snowing. So it’s time, of course, to dream of spring training and the boys of summer. Let’s talk baseball. And OFAC. Batter up!

Wait, haven’t we said this before?  Indeed we have, just about the same time last year, when the MLB and OFAC were in a struggle, principally centered around Yoan Moncado, as to whether MLB would sign unblocked Cuban baseball players only with a specific license even though OFAC said that its general license in section 515.505 of the Cuban Assets Control Regulations was enough and that it wouldn’t issue a specific license for Cuban players. (The MLB blinked and now allows signing based on the general license.)

Early last Monday morning, Yulieski Gurriel and his brother Lourdes Jr., who were playing for Cuba in the Caribbean Series in the Dominican Republic disappeared from their hotel and later announced their intention to take part in the U.S. national pastime. Yulieski is one of the top players in Cuba and Lourdes Jr. is a well-ranked prospect as well. To be eligible for the general license, the brothers must establish residency outside Cuba. It then takes MLB a few more months to convince themselves that residency outside Cuba has been established. So don’t expect to see either of them (Yulieski in the majors and Lourdes Jr. in the minors) on opening day.

Of course, given the liberalization of the Cuban embargo, the question remains as to why the brothers have to cool their heels for 6-12 months before they can play ball. The latest round of liberalization lets people travel from the U.S. to Cuba for baseball and other “athletic competitions.” It would only make sense to even up the traffic in the other direction and let the Gurriels and others play baseball here before being unblocked. Even the perpetual Cuba blockade boosters club in Congress could hardly complain because such a rule would suck baseball talent out of Cuba and, far from propping up the current Cuban regime, might do more to bring it down than 50 years of economic sanctions.

For some bonus fun, here’s what Cuba had to say about the defection:

In the early morning on Monday two players abandoned the hotel where the Cuban baseball team attending the 58th Caribbean Series Baseball in the Dominican Republic was staying. Yulieski Gourriel and Lourdes Gourriel Castillo, in a blatant attitude of surrender, were taken in by the merchants of professional baseball. The event was immediately rejected by the other members of the Cuban team, who issued a statement.

Uh huh. Sure they did.

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