Archive for the ‘Cuba Sanctions’ Category



The OFAC-tory Cents for April 2007

Posted by at 5:14 pm on April 11, 2007
Category: Cuba SanctionsOFAC

Treasury on the MoneyLast week OFAC released its typically opaque monthly report on recently imposed civil penalties. This report reveals that, once again, the full force of the Federal government was brought to bear on two hapless web surfers who bought some Cuban stogies over the Internet. We understand that a spokesman for Fidel Castro said that this OFAC action was the final straw and that Castro was, at last, going to resign and go into alcohol rehab, claiming that it was a serious drinking problem that caused him to become a communist dictator in the first place.

A.N. Deringer, the freight-forwarding company, was fined $700 for helping somebody or other export something or other to Iran.

The Kinecta Federal Credit Union coughed up $3,102 for initiating a funds transfer to a Cuban national. In case you haven’t heard of Kinecta, which started out as the Hughes Aircraft Employees Federal Credit Union, here’s an interesting little quote I found on Kinecta’s website from the its founder:

I went to Mr. Hughes’ office in Hollywood and talked to his secretary Nadine. I gave her all the facts and Mr. Hughes said, ‘Sure. Start the Credit Union. Just keep my name clean. I don’t want anything funny going on.’ I said, you can be sure of that. And Hughes Credit Union was born.

It’s a good thing Howard Hughes is no longer around to hear about this!

Finally a more substantial fine of $66,547.31 (every penny counts!) was imposed on G.E. subsidiary Datex-Ohmeda for shipments of medical equipment through Dubai to Iran made by its former subsidiary Spacelabs Medical . This enforcement action arose from a voluntary disclosure, no doubt one that was insisted on by OSI Systems when it bought Spacelabs from Datex-Ohmeda in 2004. Datex-Ohmeda was forced to spin-off Spacelabs as a condition to GE’s acquisition of Datex-Ohmeda’s parent company. It’s reasonable to suppose that Spacelabs’ Iranian problem was caught by a sharp-eyed lawyer for OSI (not me) during due diligence and that, as a result, OSI required the disclosure and required Datex-Ohmeda to pay any fine.

Oddly this is yet another recent case where medical equipment — which is of course eligible for a license to Iran under TSRA — is shipped without a license. It seems to me a heckuvalot easier just to get the license in the first place rather than go through the whole rigmarole of transshipping the goods through Dubai. What is going on here? Are there a large number of exporters that simply do not know about TSRA?

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Copyright © 2007 Clif Burns. All Rights Reserved.
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Note So Fast There

Posted by at 4:04 pm on April 10, 2007
Category: Cuba SanctionsOFAC

Intel i960 MicroprocessorSteve Clemons, a Senior Fellow at the New America Foundation and a popular blogger who blogs at The Washington Note, has announced that he will soon be starting The Havana Note. He bills this new blog as a “new resource for those interested in yet another dimension of US foreign policy as well as evolving political realities in Cuba.” We certainly look forward to Clemons’s insights in this area, but regret to, er, note that he appears to have already gotten himself caught up in the byzantine complexities of the Cuba Sanctions Regulations administered by the Office of Foreign Asset Controls (“OFAC”).

In his announcement, Clemons says that The Havana Note will publish blog posts by Abel Prieto, Cuba’s Minister of Culture, whom Clemons recently met during a trip to Cuba:

[Prieto] said that he had thought of launching his own blog. He said he doodles all the time and might want to post some of these doodles with a few lines now and then. . . . But as i thought about it, the chances of Abel Prieto actually starting a blog . . . are pretty low. But. . .that said, Abel Prieto ought to send some doodles and commentary our way — to test the waters of blogging — and we’d be happy to post those as his original expression (allowed actually under the rules of the Treasury Department’s OFAC restrictions) on The Havana Note (and HuffPost!)

Clemons might want to go back and read the regulations a bit more carefully if he thinks that he and The Huffington Post can post Prieto’s doodles and commentary without risking a nastygram from the Cuba police at OFAC.

Clemons apparently got the idea that he could be the blogospheric amanuensis for Prieto from the General License for Publishing Activities which OFAC released back in 2004. The purpose of that General License was to get rid of the much-maligned “camera-ready” rule. Under the “camera-ready” rule, articles from authors in sanctioned countries could be published under the information exception only if they supplied “camera ready” copy to the publisher. Typesetting and editing the article were deemed to be services that the publisher couldn’t render under that exception. Under the General License, publishers may engage in “all transactions necessary and ordinarily incident to the publishing and marketing” of manuscripts, books and newspapers in paper and electronic form.”

Unfortunately for Clemons’s plans there is a significant exception. Under section 515.577(a) of the Cuba Sanctions Regulations, this license doesn’t apply if the author is “any person occupying the positions identified in [section] 515.570(a)(3).” And the Minister of Culture is one of the positions identified in section 515.570(a)(3).


Regular readers know that we oppose all unilateral sanctions programs, including the U.S. embargo on Cuba. So we are not agreeing with the policy that forbids Clemons to publish Prieto’s thoughts on his new blog. We also think that significant First Amendment interests are implicated by applying OFAC’s rules to prevent such publication. But that being said, I’d be surprised if OFAC doesn’t put up a fight to stop Clemons from printing Prieto.

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Copyright © 2007 Clif Burns. All Rights Reserved.
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One That Should Have Gotten Away

Posted by at 11:12 am on April 6, 2007
Category: BISCuba Sanctions

Lethal WeaponCaptain Ted Baier and his charter fishing boat “Lethal Weapon” went fishing in March 2003 and encountered Jaws — or, at least, the jaws of the Bureau of Industry and Security (“BIS”). According to charging letters and settlement agreements just posted on the BIS website, this fateful trip started from the tropic port of Key West. Captain Baier, the skipper brave and sure, apparently wandered into Cuban territorial waters not so far south of Key West. And the rest is history — a $5,000 fine for the Skipper and a $12,000 fine for his company Lethal Weapon Charters.

The charging letters accuse the boat of being exported without an OFAC license from Cuba when it traveled twice “from the United States to Cuba or enter[ed] Cuban territorial waters.” It’s doubtful that the Lethal Weapon landed in Cuba and much more likely that, in pursuit of marlin or other quarry, the eager crew entered Cuban territorial waters 12 miles from the coast of Cuba (and 78 miles from Key West). I’ve heard that this is not uncommon for charters out of Key West. A little Google work and you can quickly find some Key West charter boats that trumpet on their websites their successes in Cuba’s annual International Hemingway Fishing Tournament.

Now, we’re not going to claim that Captain Baier and his boat didn’t break the law here. But we can’t resist saying “Come on, doesn’t BIS have better things to do??” The purpose of the Cuba embargo is to deprive Castro of needed financial resources. Castro didn’t earn one red dime from the Lethal Weapon’s foray into his waters. If anything, U.S. fishing in Cuban waters takes money away from Castro.

So, BIS should stop wasting time worrying about where charter boats are in the Florida Straits and do what they are supposed to do which, we thought, was to protect national security.

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Copyright © 2007 Clif Burns. All Rights Reserved.
(No republication, syndication or use permitted without my consent.)



Flip-Flop or Flop?

Posted by at 12:29 pm on March 23, 2007
Category: Cuba Sanctions

Rep. Dan BurtonFor a moment yesterday, it looked like the tide had started to turn on the embargo on Cuba. A press release from the Center for Democracy in the Americas announced that Rep. Dan Burton had agreed to support the Cuban-American Family Rights Restoration Act. According to that release, he made that assurance to Sgt. Carlos Lazo, an Iraq war veteran who won a Bronze Star for valor during the Battle of Fallujah and had been denied a license to visit his teenage sons in Cuba after he finished his tour of duty.

For Burton, the co-author of the Helms-Burton Act, to sign on to loosening the Cuba sanctions would be monumental news — both as unexpected and as newsworthy as, say, an announcement that Donald Trump and Rosie O’Donnell had become engaged to be married. To each other. One South Florida newspaper ran a story headlined “Hard Liner Backs Easing Travel Ban.”

But before anyone could break out the mojitos and Cohibas, it was all over. Burton’s office quickly denied that he’d gone soft on Fidel and called the report in the CDA press release a “rumor.” Sgt. Lazo is sticking by his story and says that Burton told him he was “on board.”

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Copyright © 2007 Clif Burns. All Rights Reserved.
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A Penalty Is Only a Penalty, But a Good Cigar Is a Smoke

Posted by at 4:36 pm on March 5, 2007
Category: Cuba Sanctions

Cuban StampThe ninth annual Habanos Festival just wound up in Havana. The festival, a five day celebration of Cuban cigars, attracts cigar enthusiasts from all over the world — including the United States.

You really have to like Cuban cigars to risk receiving a nastygram from OFAC demanding hefty fines for violations of the U.S. embargo on Cuba. And most Americans who sneak into Havana through Canada or Mexico are smart enough to pretend to be Canadian when approached by reporters. Most, but not all. This year a heart surgeon and professor at Stanford volunteered his name to reporter from the South Florida Sun-Sentinel and said this:

“We don’t do anything illegal against the government policies,” said [name redacted by ExportLawBlog], 45, a heart surgeon and Stanford University professor from San Jose. “But I think to visit any country is the basic right of a human being. We are not taking in any contraband. We just enjoy and finish the cigars here and we go back.”

“I don’t see it as a violation,” he said, echoing other Americans at the festival. “It’s a personal right.”

I’ll make a deal with the good doctor. I’ll agree to not perform heart surgery if he’ll agree not to practice law.

(With apologies to Rudyard Kipling for the title.)

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Copyright © 2007 Clif Burns. All Rights Reserved.
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