The Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”) recently announced that it has extracted $204,277 from American Express as a result of 1,818 credit card transactions in the amount of $583,649.43 for purchases made in Cuba. At issue were Mastercard and Visa corporate credit cards issued by BCC Corporate SA to corporations for use by the employees of those corporations, which cards were then used by those employees to make the Cuban purchases that were at issue.. BCC is a wholly-owned Belgian subsidiary of Alpha Card Group, another Belgian company and a 50/50 joint venture of BNP Paribas Fortis and American Express.
The immediate question here, which OFAC can’t be bothered to answer, is how OFAC has the authority to fine a Belgian company for its dealings with Cuba. The Cuban Assets Control Regulations prohibit Cuba transactions by persons “subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.” Section 515.329 of the CACR define persons subject to the jurisdiction of the United States to include companies “owned or controlled” by a corporation organized under the laws of the United States
The CACR does not define “owned or controlled.” That’s probably because everyone — except apparently OFAC — understands what that means, namely that the U.S. company owns 100 percent of the company or some lesser amount coupled with de jure or de facto control. In the case of a 50/50 joint venture neither party owns or controls the venture. (Owned in this context cannot mean any interest, no matter the size, since that would render the addition of “or controlled” unnecessary).
To make matters worse, OFAC is — yet again – punishing a company for complying with applicable foreign law.  Anyone who reads this blog knows that I have pointed out time and time again that it is illegal for companies doing business in the European Union. Council Regulation (EC) No 2271/96 of 22 November 1996 prohibits companies incorporated in the E.U., such as BCC Corporate SA, from complying with the U.S. embargo on Cuba. OFAC does not, of course, mention BCC’s obligation to comply with local law or even cite it as a mitigating factor here. This is particularly egregious where the company at issue is not even subject to U.S. jurisdiction.

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