OFAC announced on Friday a settlement with California-based SAN Corporation (“SAN”) for an alleged violation of the Iranian Transactions Regulations that occurred in September of 2007.  OFAC alleged that SAN sold nutritional supplements to an entity in Kuwait with knowledge that their end use was to be in Iran.  SAN agreed to pay $22,500 to settle liability for the alleged violation.  OFAC reported that the base penalty amount for the alleged violation was $25,000.
OFAC determined that the alleged violation was non-egregious and it provided several conditions to support that finding: (1)Â its allegation involved one instance, (2) SAN had no history of prior OFAC violations and (3) the goods at issue, in OFAC’s words, “appear to have been eligible for a license” under TSRA.
What leaves us bewildered is the parade of horribles that OFAC also recites: (1) SAN did not voluntarily disclose the transaction to OFAC, (2) SAN acted with “reckless disregard” for sanctions law by selling to an entity in Kuwait with knowledge that end use was in Iran and having been informed by the Iranian end-user that intended shipment to Iran required an OFAC license and (3) SAN did not fully cooperate with OFAC by providing “incomplete and/or inaccurate statements” to OFAC.
Whatever all the reasons were behind OFAC’s agreeing to this settlement, the result is a good reason to give pause before going to OFAC with a voluntary disclosure. While much goes into a decision of whether to make a voluntary disclosure, it is important to assess enforcement actions like this one to determine carefully if efforts spent to prepare, submit and deal with a voluntary disclosure are worth it.
Clif adds: If shipping an item to Iran without a license even after the Iranian end-user tells you that a license is required isn’t enough to make something an “egregious” violation, I am not sure the word egregious has any meaning left.

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