Cabela’s, the mammoth hunting and outdoor supplies retailer, was recently smacked with an equally mammoth $680,000 fine by the Bureau of Industry and Security (“BIS”). The fine was paid by Cabela’s to settle charges that it exported rifle scopes without a BIS license. According to the BIS press release, Cabela’s engaged in 76 unlicensed exports of rifle scopes between 2004 and 2005 to such destinations as Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Finland, Ireland, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Pakistan, the Philippines, South Africa, Sweden, and Taiwan. BIS also alleged that Cabela’s failed to file shipper’s export declarations for these unlicensed exports.
In 2007, the publicly-traded firm had over $2.3 billion in revenues and earned almost $90 million in profits. The $680,000 fine is substantially higher than the normal BIS fine, even after the penalty increase passed by Congress last year. BIS likely took the company’s size into account in reaching a penalty that wouldn’t be easily forgotten.
Another reason for the high fine is that this isn’t Cabela’s first time at the export rodeo either. In 2005 Cabela’s settled similar charges relating to 685 unlicensed exports of rifle scopes between 1999 and 2000 and agreed to pay a $265,000 fine to BIS. It seems likely that the exports involved in the current settlement occurred, at least in part, after BIS had informed Cabela’s of its investigation of the 1999-2000 exports.
Notwithstanding these run-ins with BIS, the website for Cabela’s still says nothing about the requirement for export licenses for rifle scopes to most destinations. Ironically, however, the website’s terms and conditions state that customers leaving product reviews agree not to submit any content that “violates any law, statute, ordinance or regulation (including, but not limited to, those governing export control. …)” Perhaps the company should worry less about whether product reviewers are violating export laws and more about whether its own sales and shipping departments are violating those same laws.

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