During President Bush’s trip to Arkansas on Monday, he was asked about the situation in Burma:
So, along the lines in Burma, we have sanctioned individuals within Burma and are considering additional sanctions.
Bush was referring to the recent addition of more Burmese officials to the Specially Designated Nationals list. But he didn’t reveal what additional sanctions might be under consideration. No clue was given as to whether the Administration is simply contemplating a second round of additions to the SDN list or is instead considering more comprehensive sanctions, such as broadening the ban on exports to Burma or restricting dealings in Burmese-origin goods. Leaders of the U.S. House of Representatives yesterday proposed restrictions on the import of “blood rubies” from Burma.
But then President Bush appeared to veer off script:
But sanctions don’t mean anything if we’re the only sanctioner
Does this signal a change in Administration attitude on the Cuba sanctions or was it just a slip of the tongue? My guess is the later, so don’t start ordering any Cohibas on the Internet just yet folks.

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