

Latifi Prosecution: The Happy Ending

Posted by at 12:56 pm on August 13, 2010
Category: Criminal Penalties

Alex Latifi
ABOVE: Alex Latifi

According to an online report posted today on the Birmingham News website, the Department of Justice agreed to pay Alex Latifi $290,000 in restitution arising out the government’s unsuccessful prosecution of Latifi on criminal export charges. Latifi was acquitted at a bench trial after the defense had demonstrated that the technical data about a military helicopter part that Latifi was accused of exporting was freely available on the Internet. The judge previously awarded attorneys’ fees and costs to Mr. Latifi.

Latifi’s case for restitution was based on the damage the prosecution had caused to his business. The prosecution effectively shut down Latifi’s business during the course of the prosecution. According to a complaint filed by Latifi with U.S. Office of Professional Responsibility, one of the prosecutors even said: “We don’t care if Latifi is innocent. Our goal is to put him out of business” In that context, $290,000 in restitution seems more than fair.


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One Comment:

It should be noted that while this is not the only publicly noted ethical lapse by the former us attorney,it is the ethical lapse in which the Counter-Intelligence Section of the DoJ Criminal Division played a great role. It is troubling that there has been no change in lead personnel at this section of DoJ notwithstanding the judge’s findings of fact. For this particular section of DoJ, Counter-Intelligence is a perfect name.

Comment by Hillbilly on August 14th, 2010 @ 12:57 am